Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What Have We Done?

These are my thoughts regarding the Presidential Election 2008.  I wonder how many people actually know anything about our President-Elect, Barack Obama.  I understand that he is charismatic and can give a killer speech, but underneath the shiny wrapping what do you know?  What kind of great things has he done in his life, and please don't say "well, he is a community organizer."  Ok, that is great, but give me something with a little bit of substance.  I wish people would have used their brains on this decision.  I myself LOVE this country and everything it stands for.  This country was formed so that we could have freedoms.  That we could live, love, worship, how, where or what we may.  I am afraid that some of our basic freedoms will be taken from us.  I am afraid that underneath this shiny exterior of our President-Elect Obama that there is someone that does not love this country.  His wife, our soon-to-be first lady, said that this is the first time she has been proud of our country....REALLY????  I just can't believe what we have done.  I know that things like this have to happen and that it is just fulfilling prophesy.  I pray that we as a country will STAY STRONG and keep our faith.  Conservatism is NOT DEAD and if you try to take away ANY  of my basic rights and freedoms you better believe there will be a fight.  This country is too great to be taken down without a fight.  God Bless America and I look forward to the time when Christ, our Lord and Savior, will come again to rule and reign.  When that blessed day does arrive the people of America and The World will then, and only then, experience the real CHANGE that we so desperately need.  Once again, GOD BLESS AMERICA!!